According to Decree № 125/24.06.2002 Trakia University covers six of all areas of higher education- / pedagogical, social, economic, nature and environmental, technical, Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, health and sports / as well as 16 professional fields of Classification of Higher Education areas and professional fields.
Trakia University is one of the first accredited universities that has received full institutional accreditation as “very good” by NEAA with Protocol № 30/18.03.1999 for a period of 5 years with the right to teach in educational and scientific degree “Doctor”.
Trakia University provides high quality higher education for professional careers in the field of human and veterinary medicine, pedagogy, engineering and technology, agriculture, economics, ecology and environmental protection, in order to professionally and personally develop the specialists necessary for the economic and spiritual prosperity of country and region.
The mission determines the educational policy of the University, focused on the needs of the society on a regional and national scale.
For its implementation, Trakia University is guided by strategic guidelines, towards which it orients its overall activity.
The vision of the University is to be a nationally recognized leader in academic training and scientific research which contribute essentially to the improvement of the nation’s health, technological progress and the quality of life.
- An Application form, signed by the candidate. It is available on our website.
- A leaving Certificate / A Diploma (a secondary school/college certificate) with the marks of the subjects that are included in the assessing of the candidates (the required subjects are specific for each major and you can see them in the Table of the required marks below). In case that these required marks are missing from the Diploma, the applicants submit a transcript from the last school year during which they studied these subjects. The required marks should be at least 62 % of the possible maximum of the grading system in the respective country. (The 62% rule is applicable only to the non-EU candidates – it is an obligatory rule for getting visa D).
- A document that certifies that the above stated Diploma makes the applicant eligible to continue his / her education in a higher school or university in the country of origin.
- Medical Certificate not older than a month from the application date.
- A copy of ID – passport.
- 6 photos
- A fee for applying.
According to Decree № 125/24.06.2002 Trakia University covers six of all areas of higher education- / pedagogical, social, economic, nature and environmental, technical, Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, health and sports / as well as 16 professional fields of Classification of Higher Education areas and professional fields.
Trakia University is one of the first accredited universities that has received full institutional accreditation as “very good” by NEAA with Protocol № 30/18.03.1999 for a period of 5 years with the right to teach in educational and scientific degree “Doctor”.
Trakia University provides high quality higher education for professional careers in the field of human and veterinary medicine, pedagogy, engineering and technology, agriculture, economics, ecology and environmental protection, in order to professionally and personally develop the specialists necessary for the economic and spiritual prosperity of country and region.
The mission determines the educational policy of the University, focused on the needs of the society on a regional and national scale.
For its implementation, Trakia University is guided by strategic guidelines, towards which it orients its overall activity.
The vision of the University is to be a nationally recognized leader in academic training and scientific research which contribute essentially to the improvement of the nation’s health, technological progress and the quality of life.
- An Application form, signed by the candidate. It is available on our website.
- A leaving Certificate / A Diploma (a secondary school/college certificate) with the marks of the subjects that are included in the assessing of the candidates (the required subjects are specific for each major and you can see them in the Table of the required marks below). In case that these required marks are missing from the Diploma, the applicants submit a transcript from the last school year during which they studied these subjects. The required marks should be at least 62 % of the possible maximum of the grading system in the respective country. (The 62% rule is applicable only to the non-EU candidates – it is an obligatory rule for getting visa D).
- A document that certifies that the above stated Diploma makes the applicant eligible to continue his / her education in a higher school or university in the country of origin.
- Medical Certificate not older than a month from the application date.
- A copy of ID – passport.
- 6 photos
- A fee for applying.
Frequently Asked Questions
- European citizens do not need a student VISA
- All Non-EU and non-EEA citizens must have Visa type D for residing for study at the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
The University loads the original application documents on a special platform of the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science.
In case the application documents are approved the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science issues Admittance Certificate to the applicants within a month and sends it to the University.
The applicants can apply for visa at the Bulgarian Embassy in their countries presenting the Certificate.
Yes, there is an entry exam for all medical universities in Bulgaria. It is very easy and it is consisting of test questions from Biology, Chemistry and very easy English reading and comprehension. There is more than enough time to complete the exam. All entry exams are online, except the one in Sofia Medical University.
Yes, Instalment can be 50% at the beginning of every semester the duration of the medical education is six years and the certificate is master degree in medicine.

University Programs
Medicine 7,000 €
Language : English
Duration: 6 Years
Veterinary Medicine 5,100 €
Language : English
Duration: 5.5 Years